Showing posts with label Filer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Filer. Show all posts

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Using Altium Today

My Day Job involves using Altium and it has come a long way since the early 90s but still shits me sometimes.  So I need to remember how to do this next time which will be X-months time.  Safe my self an hour and some aggravation.

To day we are doing designation and comments but these are strings that are not the actual designator and comments strings but extra ones for Assembly Documents.  Yes I do the documentation but I do not like it need to check out Altium 16 features to see if this will improve the situation.

Usefull page:
Use Blog Page : pcb-filters

Altium Pages

Basic Filter Doc


This Query returns the String that are part of a component on the top no mater what layer they are on.:

"InComponentClass('Top Side Components') And IsComponentText"

But we are not there yet
This selects the Designators on the correct layer 'M8 Des T' which is the layer for the designators on the top.

"InComponentClass('Top Side Components') And IsComponentText And (StringText = '.Designator') And(Layer = 'M8 Des T')"

Now to select the ones on the wrong layers.

"InComponentClass('Top Side Components') And IsComponentText And (StringText = '.Designator') And(Layer  <>  'M8 Des T')"

And this selected a number that were on 'M9 Des B' ie the layer for  bottom layer Designators.


Was Using Altium to day and Consultant sent me PCB with no Visible Grids.
Searched for "altium pcb grid disappeared" but not any help.

Eventual Found that they Default Grid Color - Small / Large were both unchecked in the
View Configurations (Design->Board Layers & Colors...) (Short Cut L).

Up-Date 26/05/2017

Answering my own Question
Altium "annotating compiled sheets" not working.

You need to Check the box "Sheet Number Parameter" in the "Schematic Print Properties"

Up-Date 18/01/2018

Need to Rule to select the nets associated with a component.
so far only way to do this is to create a net class with nets of the component which is basically retarded.

Up-Date 14/11/2019

Finding String with incorrect font
(StringText Like '?*') and not (Font Like 'Arial*')